0.575. Not bad for a stock that nobody willing to take a serious look at it for a long time.
2.35. Up 7 cent and that makes it an all-time high close today. Not bad for a stock I have just invested some 7 months ago at around 1.2+
1.68. Not very far from its all-time high 1.79 attained in April 2017. Nonetheless, those who had invested in December 2015 at around 1.20 still have make some 40% profit. You may have make higher profit with other stocks but there is no denying this stock has given a good profit. Imagine if you have invested RM100,000 since then and now your capital is RM140,000.
_ _ _ Berhad
0.9+ Will this be another extra-ordinary stock this year? Let see. Perhaps it might as well be my stock recommendation from this year 2018.
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